Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Well it is definitely not getting better yet. Today was the worst sick day BY FAR. On Saturday, Margaret Thatcher (this is how I'm refuring to the baby right now) and I ranthe mud run with Juliette, Janine and Morgan. Granted, we didn't run very fast, but even after 6.6 miles I felt ok, a little tired and a lot sore, but ok. Today I did very little. went to class, went to my first ultrasound - more to come on this - and a little furniture shopping and I am done for the day. I get terrible car sickness, and I think that is what it was today. bummer
O.K. so our first Ultrasound was today---very exciting. It seems our baby is 1.8cm long, right on schedule for 8 weeks 4 days. we even got to hear the heart beat, which was amazing. The idea of having a baby seems so enormous - you can barely fit your mind around it - then it gets broken down into this little steps that are easier to grasp and seems all the more real. Also there is this anxiety that the baby is in the right place and growing at the right rate and to have someone confirm that so far everything is looking good - well - it's nice.
It seems that 7 months would be plenty of time to get ready for this little one to join us, but i am already getting the feeling we will find ourselves out of time.
Tomorrow is another day, wish us luck.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Yesterday was my first OB appointment. I think I like her. she answered all my questions, of course i forgot a dozen. Being tired and feeling icky are nothing new at this point, but vomiting is something that just started yesterday. it isn't all day, just at really random times. I can't complain, i know others who have been terribly sick all day for their entire pregnancy. i think i'll be able to handle this. Yesterday we talked about the option of having an elective C-section. i don't think that is what i want, and it seems to be frowed upon even if it is available. i think in a effort to plan the baby's arrival a planned induction is best. it seems so strange to be thinking about this when it is really months and months away. yesterday we were officially 6 weeks.
Gosh - the time is flying by. ~m

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The doctor visit went pretty well, though really we didn't do a whole lot other than confirm Misty was pregnant and get a giant goodie-bag of pre natal vitamins. The doc seems pretty good: competent, good straight forward answers to questions. She is a bit short, but that's probably an advantage in her line of work.
We got some good news: scheduling a C-section is not absolutely ruled out, and Sushi is allowed ( in moderation).
Misty goes for an ultrasound in 4 weeks.
Our due date is 6/1/07.
It still hasn't all sunk in, I think.

Monday, October 09, 2006

tomorrow is our first dr. appointment. i don't think i have too many questions that i have had answered by all of the books and websites i've vistited lately. i need to know what i can and cannot eat, what kind of exercising i can do, and obviously what our expected due date is. i think right now i just want to know that everything is good. We have had some friends experience some problems with their pregnancies recently and it worries me.
i started looking at baby furniture today.... it was too much. we have decided how much we want to spend and i think i am going to take my mom and his mom to go and look for baby stuff. this is going to be the first grand child all around, so i want everyone to be involved.
the secret is getting harder and harder to keep. i had my post wedding bachelorette party on saturday and had to pretend drink so no one would be suspicious. geez - it is much harder than i thought it would be. thanksgiving seems a long way away. ~misty

Friday, October 06, 2006

I'm so excited to be allowed access to Operation Janssen Baby!
It's nice to having some blogging responsibilites, because really, at this stage of things, being an an "expectant father" is pretty easy. There are a few tasks:
1) Be supportive. This is what aall the "new father" the websites recommend, and while it seems a little unclear in terms of specifics, it also seems like a good idea.
2) Choose a name. This will be easier than it sounds. I think.
3) Keep it a secret until Thanksgiving. This is incredibly difficult! But, again, the full burden of this falls upon Misty. For instance--for the next 8 weeks Misty has to avoid all alcohol WITHOUT making people aware of the fact she is avoiding alcohol and, thus, drawing their attention to her uterus. We have devised numerous little strategems to keep the mystery. In fact, this little endeavor has consumed the vast majority of our pre-baby planning. Fortunately, Misty is good at this. And, even more fortunately, my role in this careful deception requires drinking often and with abandon. Pregnancy sounds pretty good, huh!
4) Double down on the work hours so that we can afford a baby and also afford to support the federal government. If I add 20 hours a month for the next 9 months, then that will give me a reserve of 180 hours. I can then drop my hours down to 120 hours a month after the baby is born (ideally 13 days a month) and have more time to.......well, to go back to #1.

Only 33 weeks to go!