Friday, May 25, 2007

the day has come

we are terrible bloggers - I know!

My alarm is set to go off at 6:30 - I beat it up this morning! Two potty breaks and a dozen birthing dreams later and I just can't seem to sleep. I know I've had 9 months to prepare, but I can't help but wonder if there is something more I could have done to get ready.

Matt and I spent the day together yesterday - went to the beach (with shelby, boy is that dog in for it). came home and just relaxed! The "excitement" is more a feeling that our lives are about to be changed forever - I really like our life together. I have found myself emotional the last few days - maybe I'm losing a piece of matt to this little baby girl. Truth be told, I think that is part of the reason I had hoped she'd be a boy... I guess I want to be his girl for a little while longer! I can share though! the truth is... she is going to be much cuter than I am, and I'm sure a lot less weird - the wierdness takes a little while to set in, so it will probably be a couple of years before the two of us can team up on him!

I think we have settled on a name - one look at her will seal it, but we've been calling her "this" particular name for a few months now and on occasion have let it slip while talking to people... It doesn't seem anyone has caught on.

my waxing lady, who predicted my engagement to matt, which still freaks me out (the prediction, not the engagment) predicted she will weigh 6lbs 12 oz. she got a big tip! one of the nurses at Pomona chose 9.5 lbs and 17" long in the baby pool - ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

The house is so quiet! I've never been a mom before. We put the baby car seat in last night. I'm finally packed. I'm afraid I will let people down... did I mention I've never done this before?

I remember the day, at Philip and Emily's wedding reception, I knew then that I was pregnant - a week later I told matt and a month or so later we told you! People said then - "it will be here before you know it". they weren't kidding. I'm not going to lie and say this last 9 months have been a breeze - in fact..." a curse on all you girls who get to stay skinny, never get morning sickness, and can sleep through the night" I'm kidding of course.- but it already feels worth it. Will I miss anything about being pregnant??? I have really enjoyed feeling her wiggling around inside. I can't really explain it so that you would understand if you haven't felt it before, but just knowing that she is in there makes me smile sometimes. She loves chaucer in middle english - and when her daddy rubs my belly. OK - I like those things too, but I promise she notices!

an hour to go and I'll call the hospital to check on bed availability - I'll try to get a nap in. I'd promise a 1st year blog, but good grief, we are so bad at it that I'm not sure we have any readers left (except for Juliette who makes it clear she checks this everyday). But we'll keep you posted. This little girls seems to be the most anticipated new star of the family since... well, I'm not sure anything is comparable.

Thanks guys - this little girl has no idea that she is joining one of the craziest, most loving, generous families around - She'll count herself blessed one day... I do!



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