Friday, May 25, 2007

the day has come

we are terrible bloggers - I know!

My alarm is set to go off at 6:30 - I beat it up this morning! Two potty breaks and a dozen birthing dreams later and I just can't seem to sleep. I know I've had 9 months to prepare, but I can't help but wonder if there is something more I could have done to get ready.

Matt and I spent the day together yesterday - went to the beach (with shelby, boy is that dog in for it). came home and just relaxed! The "excitement" is more a feeling that our lives are about to be changed forever - I really like our life together. I have found myself emotional the last few days - maybe I'm losing a piece of matt to this little baby girl. Truth be told, I think that is part of the reason I had hoped she'd be a boy... I guess I want to be his girl for a little while longer! I can share though! the truth is... she is going to be much cuter than I am, and I'm sure a lot less weird - the wierdness takes a little while to set in, so it will probably be a couple of years before the two of us can team up on him!

I think we have settled on a name - one look at her will seal it, but we've been calling her "this" particular name for a few months now and on occasion have let it slip while talking to people... It doesn't seem anyone has caught on.

my waxing lady, who predicted my engagement to matt, which still freaks me out (the prediction, not the engagment) predicted she will weigh 6lbs 12 oz. she got a big tip! one of the nurses at Pomona chose 9.5 lbs and 17" long in the baby pool - ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

The house is so quiet! I've never been a mom before. We put the baby car seat in last night. I'm finally packed. I'm afraid I will let people down... did I mention I've never done this before?

I remember the day, at Philip and Emily's wedding reception, I knew then that I was pregnant - a week later I told matt and a month or so later we told you! People said then - "it will be here before you know it". they weren't kidding. I'm not going to lie and say this last 9 months have been a breeze - in fact..." a curse on all you girls who get to stay skinny, never get morning sickness, and can sleep through the night" I'm kidding of course.- but it already feels worth it. Will I miss anything about being pregnant??? I have really enjoyed feeling her wiggling around inside. I can't really explain it so that you would understand if you haven't felt it before, but just knowing that she is in there makes me smile sometimes. She loves chaucer in middle english - and when her daddy rubs my belly. OK - I like those things too, but I promise she notices!

an hour to go and I'll call the hospital to check on bed availability - I'll try to get a nap in. I'd promise a 1st year blog, but good grief, we are so bad at it that I'm not sure we have any readers left (except for Juliette who makes it clear she checks this everyday). But we'll keep you posted. This little girls seems to be the most anticipated new star of the family since... well, I'm not sure anything is comparable.

Thanks guys - this little girl has no idea that she is joining one of the craziest, most loving, generous families around - She'll count herself blessed one day... I do!


Sunday, April 15, 2007

time is flying

I can't believe we are just a month and a half away from meeting our baby. The nursery is just about ready. Matt painted the room and got all the furniture put together last week. it looks great. I ordered the glider today - it should take a couple of weeks to get here. My shower is this coming Saturday - I am so excited - I love getting presents. The baby has been moving a lot lately, especially at night... heartburn and acid reflux are a daily worry. Sleep is hard to come by since it is difficult to get comfortable and this stage of pregnancy should really be called the ugly trimester. there is nothing pretty about a fat girl who doesn't fit into anything attractive.

time is flying by so quickly -

Week 34 down

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

she's moving!

Well, i have wondered for the last few weeks if it was actually the baby moving inside, or just gas. Matt and I are pretty certain it is the baby. He felt her move about a week ago and last night we actually sat and watched my belly move as she kicked. It was really cool! she was really active last night, not so much that matt could feel her, but i could hardly get to sleep. This is the fun part.
What isn't the fun part is having your daughter sitting on your sciatic nerve. Good Lord! I do believe I have coaxed her off of it, if only for the day. Over the weekend I could hardle move. My mom is spending some time here since she had a mild heart attack last week, so we had to clean out the guest room. and when I say we i mean my wonderful wonderful husband cleaned out the room while I sat on the couch and did homework. My mom is doing well, we have her and her two dogs here for a rest. NOTE: a rest for them! =) they are actually doing pretty good, star and shelby are turning out to be good friends and simba and sadie were already close, so we're ok. - - back to the sciatic nerve - - there were a couple of days when I would be walking and get stuck. i couldn't move forward of backward, I just had to wait until the pain lessened enough to move. it was terrible. I laugh about it now, I sounded like such a martyr. Oh! poor me, I had morning sickness, I have sciatica. but it really did hurt at the time.
I have also offically grown out of my pants! thank god I'm turning 30 when I pregnant, so i can blame the growing fetus in my belly.
School starts in a week, I'm nervous about the work load I've taken on, but believe I want to graduate bad enough to power through it. I will graduate next december, but have decided to stay and walk in May. by then it will be 14 years after I took my first class. What a long trip. 2006 Marriage, 2007 Baby, 2008 Graduation. I was telling Matt, that one of these years when nothing exceptional happens we are going to be bored. NAHHHHH!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

We're having a girl

Well it's offical, we're having a little girl. I had an ultrasound earlier today and am excited to report that everything looks good so far. We entered into today thinking it would be a girl and kind of hoping for a boy, but when everything was said and done it really didn't matter. We arrived for our appointment at 2:30 with a full bladder. They came to take us to the room at about 2:45 and just as we were entering the room a woman, crying and followed by her husband were pushed in past us. They asked us to wait, that this woman was coming from the ER, and we returned to the waiting room. We learned a little later that while were were wondering what our baby would be, this other woman was learning that she wouldn't be able to have her baby at all. it really put things in perspective. they called us in, I laid on the table and they squished warm gel on my belly. As they began rubbing around on my stomach, all I could think was - I have got to pee! a few minutes into the exam, the tech asked if i had felt the baby move - I giggled and said yes, well... I think I do, well sometimes... The tech didn't say anything. I stopped giggling, got quiet, why had she asked. did she want to know when specifically was the last time i had felt the baby move - was the baby NOT moving now - was something wrong? about 5 minutes later, but seemed like years, she said, "I asked that question becuase everytime I try to get this picture she turns over - - - can you feel that?" WHAT?! are you kidding me? couldn't you have said that seconds after asking the question - a sigh of relief! i mentioned that I had consumed 32 oz of water - she said if the baby didn't stop moving she would just take a few more pictures and then let me empty my bladder. evidently it only takes 16 oz of water, but they tell people 32 because most people only drink 8oz - good to know! she finished the pictures, I emptied my bladder and returned to the room to have more pictures taken and to find out the sex. a new tech was there, she was very nice. She showed us the kidneys, the stomach, the heart, head, arms, legs - and then she gaves us the view we were waiting for. "See those three lines - yep, it's a girl." I couldn't believe it, and still can't - this little thing growing in my belly isn't just an it anymore - it's a she! They took quite a fe pictures for us. They appreciated our patience while they were looking after the other woman. We will post them as soon as we get them scanned. She tried to get a good 3D photo, but the baby had her hands up right in front of her face - they were cute anyway! We met up with the grandparents to share the news - They are very excited as well -

So - we've decided no more funny name - only real contenders allowed. you are welcome to submit your thoughts, but know that no official names will be announced until after she is born and the birth certificate has been signed. Names musn't necessarily begin with M to be considered.

And so here we are - 19 weeks and counting -

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

passing time

time is passing quickly. I have entered my 19th week and am feeling worried and excited all at the same time. Blood work taken a couple of weeks ago, called a fetoalphaprotein, will reveal any genetic defects. I have convinced myself to discontinue watching the health channels "A Baby Story" until after the baby is safely delivered. Anything that could go wrong during a pregnancy and childbirth does during the hour long program. Nerve racking, just not worth it. I find myself reading up on Down Syndrome and Spina Bifida and anxiously awaiting the results from my blood test. I expect we will hear something at our next OB appointment On the 9th. Speaking of appointments... Thursday is the big day for finding out if we are having a He or a She. The little thing can stop being refered to at it and can loose the asexual moniker "Margaret Thatcher".
We are trying to decide on themes for the room - Jungle seems to be what we both like. I have a feeling my thoughts of muraling the walls will cause me too much anxiety and we seem to have settled on something a bit more realistic. If only I were more artistic and less lazy =).
2 big milestones around the Janssen house. Matt has begun the process for painting the nursery and I got the jacuzzi to work. When i say "I" got it to work, i mean Larry the spa guy got it to work, but I believe I was very helpful. We took a very shot very HOT dip a couple of nights ago. I didn't stay too long - I hear pregos shouldn't spend too much time in the hot water!
Preparations are underway to get the house in tip top shape for the arrival of our little one. we recently purchased furniture for the living room - hooray no more sitting on the floor. I am determined to get the upstairs organized and make the garage a place shelby will like to sleep. Sadie could really care less about the renovations as long as she gets her food and water and an occasional lick of matt's feet.
I think Matt is still having a hard time enjoying the journey - He seems what can happen every day at work! I'm sure after our next Ultrasound and OB appointment we will be a little more relaxed. The grandparents seem to be enjoying it so far. My mom just recarpeted one of her spare rooms and is painting, papering and preparing to make it into a nursery. She has decided on a bear theme - Lord help us! Matt's mom and dad have also started offering assistance. I think we all agree that Shelby will be one of the biggest worries when we bring the baby home. She is still a youngster herself and needs lots of attention. Matt;s parents have offered to watch her if needed - I'm sure that invitation will be extended to the baby as well!
We are just about at the half way point and eveything is looking well - I feel good (minus the fact that my 30th is approaching quickly).

21 weeks to go - it doesn't seem possible!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

The nausea is passing - it's actually been a couple of days now - hooray!
i am still really tired most of the time, but have had a few days off school which has given me a boost. I have the greatest husband in the world. last week i had a break down - the house was a mess, and I just had no desire to clean it... i think the guilt of feeling too sick and tired to keep up the house work was just too much. matt took me in the bedroom, tucked me into be and turned on food network. he let me nap all day. who gets to do that?! it isn't something i want to take advantage of, but it is so great to have such an amazing man love me.
i just passed the 10 week mark, only 1 more weeks and I'll be in my second trimester. that is supposed to be the best, i can't wait. we have an ob appointment on tuesday and will get the chance to hear the heart beat again - it really is amazing that there is a little thing growing inside me. from what i have read and seen in books it looks like it is actually starting to look like a little baby. i'll have better measurements on tuesday. i'll try to get the ultrasound photo posted for anyone that is interested.

only 30 weeks left - m

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Well it is definitely not getting better yet. Today was the worst sick day BY FAR. On Saturday, Margaret Thatcher (this is how I'm refuring to the baby right now) and I ranthe mud run with Juliette, Janine and Morgan. Granted, we didn't run very fast, but even after 6.6 miles I felt ok, a little tired and a lot sore, but ok. Today I did very little. went to class, went to my first ultrasound - more to come on this - and a little furniture shopping and I am done for the day. I get terrible car sickness, and I think that is what it was today. bummer
O.K. so our first Ultrasound was today---very exciting. It seems our baby is 1.8cm long, right on schedule for 8 weeks 4 days. we even got to hear the heart beat, which was amazing. The idea of having a baby seems so enormous - you can barely fit your mind around it - then it gets broken down into this little steps that are easier to grasp and seems all the more real. Also there is this anxiety that the baby is in the right place and growing at the right rate and to have someone confirm that so far everything is looking good - well - it's nice.
It seems that 7 months would be plenty of time to get ready for this little one to join us, but i am already getting the feeling we will find ourselves out of time.
Tomorrow is another day, wish us luck.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Yesterday was my first OB appointment. I think I like her. she answered all my questions, of course i forgot a dozen. Being tired and feeling icky are nothing new at this point, but vomiting is something that just started yesterday. it isn't all day, just at really random times. I can't complain, i know others who have been terribly sick all day for their entire pregnancy. i think i'll be able to handle this. Yesterday we talked about the option of having an elective C-section. i don't think that is what i want, and it seems to be frowed upon even if it is available. i think in a effort to plan the baby's arrival a planned induction is best. it seems so strange to be thinking about this when it is really months and months away. yesterday we were officially 6 weeks.
Gosh - the time is flying by. ~m

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The doctor visit went pretty well, though really we didn't do a whole lot other than confirm Misty was pregnant and get a giant goodie-bag of pre natal vitamins. The doc seems pretty good: competent, good straight forward answers to questions. She is a bit short, but that's probably an advantage in her line of work.
We got some good news: scheduling a C-section is not absolutely ruled out, and Sushi is allowed ( in moderation).
Misty goes for an ultrasound in 4 weeks.
Our due date is 6/1/07.
It still hasn't all sunk in, I think.

Monday, October 09, 2006

tomorrow is our first dr. appointment. i don't think i have too many questions that i have had answered by all of the books and websites i've vistited lately. i need to know what i can and cannot eat, what kind of exercising i can do, and obviously what our expected due date is. i think right now i just want to know that everything is good. We have had some friends experience some problems with their pregnancies recently and it worries me.
i started looking at baby furniture today.... it was too much. we have decided how much we want to spend and i think i am going to take my mom and his mom to go and look for baby stuff. this is going to be the first grand child all around, so i want everyone to be involved.
the secret is getting harder and harder to keep. i had my post wedding bachelorette party on saturday and had to pretend drink so no one would be suspicious. geez - it is much harder than i thought it would be. thanksgiving seems a long way away. ~misty

Friday, October 06, 2006

I'm so excited to be allowed access to Operation Janssen Baby!
It's nice to having some blogging responsibilites, because really, at this stage of things, being an an "expectant father" is pretty easy. There are a few tasks:
1) Be supportive. This is what aall the "new father" the websites recommend, and while it seems a little unclear in terms of specifics, it also seems like a good idea.
2) Choose a name. This will be easier than it sounds. I think.
3) Keep it a secret until Thanksgiving. This is incredibly difficult! But, again, the full burden of this falls upon Misty. For instance--for the next 8 weeks Misty has to avoid all alcohol WITHOUT making people aware of the fact she is avoiding alcohol and, thus, drawing their attention to her uterus. We have devised numerous little strategems to keep the mystery. In fact, this little endeavor has consumed the vast majority of our pre-baby planning. Fortunately, Misty is good at this. And, even more fortunately, my role in this careful deception requires drinking often and with abandon. Pregnancy sounds pretty good, huh!
4) Double down on the work hours so that we can afford a baby and also afford to support the federal government. If I add 20 hours a month for the next 9 months, then that will give me a reserve of 180 hours. I can then drop my hours down to 120 hours a month after the baby is born (ideally 13 days a month) and have more time to.......well, to go back to #1.

Only 33 weeks to go!

Friday, September 29, 2006

I am soooo tired

I hear this happens to everyone, but I am sooooo tired. All of the time. I don't seem to be particularly hungry, or sick, but boy am I worn out. I went to the gym today, 35 minutes of cardio and did some abs. I'm afraid of just letting myself go. I don't want to over do it, but I don't want my weight gain to get out of control. I feel better after working out too. I should be able to fit at least 30 minutes of light cardio and a few minutes of weight training each day. I'd say that it will help me sleep better, but i don't need any help in that department. ~misty

Thursday, September 28, 2006

we're pregnant

I took a pregnancy test today - it was positive! We're having a baby. -misty